Advertise in the Methow Valley

put your money where your market is

  • Advertise with and you get access to The Methow Valley Bulletin Board and our Methow Valley Business Directory.

  • Our website hosts 106k pageviews per month. Our community bulletin board maintains over 10k users.


  • Regular Business Directory Links: start at $75 a year for a listing in the Business Directory that links to your website.

  • Lodging Business Links: start at $119 a year for a linked listing in the Business Directory AND a mini-profile in the lodging section of the directory. See our lodging page for an example.

  • Our Quarter Panel Display Ads (shown below) appear on the bulletin board, the events calendar, and most of the pages on They cost $159/four weeks, $299/twelve weeks, or $989 for a year.

    Sample "Quarter Panel" Display Ads - click to try out


