methow grist 2011-2014 archive

Verb Poems

My Dog Rowdy

Romps happily around the house

Gulps his ‘Atta Boy’ noisily

Licks his family members with loving care

Scratches behind his ears with fury

Barks noisily at the door

Jumps over toys scattered on the floor

My horse Freckles Dry Fly

Trots happily through his small pasture

Nickers for his apple supplements

Bucks into the outdoor arena with pleasure

Flicks his tail to smack flies

Gallops smoothly through wet sand

Eats his hay noisily

My Cat Oliver

Grabs at my legs with razor sharp claws

Folds his ears back when the dogs play with him

Bats at strings and wire

Sleeps on backpacks left out

Acts like he owns the house

Eats his Alley Cat kibble quietly

My Sister

Birthed in Brewster hospital

Enjoys riding western horses with grandpa

Actively dances and skis

Calculates her math expertly

Made lasting connections with her kindergarten teacher Mrs. Daniels

Eats pizza happily

Wyatt Scott wrote these to fulfill an assignment from his Methow Valley School District teacher, Dani Golden.


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