Looking for Remote Work

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Joined:Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:26 pm
Looking for Remote Work

Post by ToyotaFJ40 » Mon Nov 29, 2021 1:08 pm

Bit of an odd post I am sure but figured there may be connections in the valley especially during todays day and age. I have had a great job for the past decade but the commute to Seattle is eating me alive. Looking for a remote position (some travel involved is okay). Full time. Insurance and 401K required. I am a project engineer for commercial construction company. Prior experience in health insurance and management.
Does anyone have any "in's" for a remote position. I am not much of a job hopper and want to find a long term remote position that has potential for advancement. Dedicated and committed to my work.
Message or comment if you have any opportunities that may be what I am looking for.

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