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Water Discussion Panel

Date: Thursday August 1 5:00 pm til 7:00 pm

Description: In conjunction with our show, Water, The Confluence will be facilitating a free panel discussion 5-7pm on August 1st 2024. Panelists include John Crandall, aquatic ecologist and avid water recreationalist, Mark Miller, descendant of the Methow People, Allis Pardis of Trout Unlimited, Artist Rod Weagant, and Alexa Whipple of the Methow Beaver Project. The discussion will cover climate change, our own local water supply matters, and the panelists personal experiences with freshwater. There will be a ten minute audience question and answer session after the main discussion. Small refreshments, including water, will be available.

Location: Confluence Gallery & Art Center

Art Gallery & Classes
104 Glover
Twisp, WA 98856
(509) 997-2787