Winthrop Adding New Pedestrian Overpass
Winthrop officials announced that the town has accepted a low bid of $21.3 million to build a pedestrian overpass across Highway 20 downtown.
"We're excited", said an unnamed town official. "Not only will visitors be safer, we'll also add to our new legacy as the 'little town of bridges'."
The four-way, 22-foot high walkway will be accessed by steep, spiraling stairs.
"We feel confident visitors will choose the exhausting stair climb over wandering into the street like they usually do", said another unnamed source, "particularly with the fireman's pole as the way for getting back down."
The overpass, to be constructed entirely of materials collected at old homesteads by the Shafer Museum, had to be scaled back from the original idea of a complete, elevated shopping district. “We had to think about cost,” said a person standing out in front of town hall.
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