I don't think they will be able to move the bridge. I have documentation that at least one grizzly and two wolves are in residence on and under the bridge. It appears that the wolves are working on preparing a Den for their young under the bridge and it appears to be lined with recycled and torn pieces of the Methow Valley News. When interviewed (from a distance) they categorically stated "If our disability claims go through, we will only require the taking of approximately one out of every twenty bridge users to sustain our normal caloric uptake". Upon further questioning and "off the record" they elaborated that this figure was an estimate and that the tally would vary with the season and stated that they would attempt to 'cull our herds selecting primarily tourists with small pocketbooks
Richard Karro
Rural Methow, near the town of Yellowjacket
I love you guys. Happy April Fools to you too!!
Nadine Van Hees
Happy aprils fools day
Carl Needy
Hyde Park NY
I'd recognized that great Curtis humor anywhere. Thanks for some good chuckles.